Sample Worship Script and Order
Sample Worship Script & Order
**This is a sample outline. Feel free to move things around and/or to add your own words! Check the Elements of Worship section of the website for texts you can use.**
Red text = set things worship leader says (flexible—if you really want to say something different, you can)
[bracketed text] = actions the worship leader or a volunteer performs
**italics** = special notes for worship leaders
Bold = notes that will be printed in bulletin
Welcome (select from resources or find/write your own)
**New 2020: the pastor or associate pastor will deliver the welcome. If you want to choose one or give input, just let them know**
Call to worship
Prayer for Peace
“Please join me in a prayer for peace” (select from resources or find/write your own)
Lighting the Peace Lamp
“We light our peace lamp each week to remember that we both witness and participate in God’s vision. We long for peace, pray for peace, and choose to live for peace.”
[Light the lamp]
**A note on this change: Traditionally, the worship leader opens this time with the phrase "we light our peace lamp..." then awkwardly stands there while someone lights the candle behind their back. We want to change this slightly, so that we start with the prayer for peace, then say the “we light our peace lamp…” bit, then simply step to the side to clear the view for the lighting. This way, we are all holding the words of the prayer and the liturgy in our bodies as we watch the lamp lighting unobstructed. When the lighting is done, the worship leader either sits down or steps back to the podium for the next piece.**
If you would like to introduce a specific situation for prayer, you may use this formula:
Each week we lift up the many sources of brokenness in our world and the people and places crying out for peace. Today we lift up especially ___________________ . Praying for them and for all in need of peace, please join me in a prayer for peace …
Children’s Time (STS 47)
[Invite the children forward in your own words, help children’s time leader move podium, spread quilt, etc.]
(In bulletin) This is a special time for our children; please keep your reactions quiet so that they can be fully present. **Note: You do not need to say this out loud**
Congregation sings: “Let the children come to me; let the children come.
Never hinder them; never stop them. O let the children come.”
After children’s time: “Children ages 3 and under are invited to go to the nursery. [NAME] and [NAME] are our nursery caregivers today.”
Gospel (or primary preaching text)
**Note: After this last text, the reader says:**
One: “For the word of God in Scripture, for the word of God among us, for the word of God within us...”
All: “Thanks be to God.”
Sharing (use this script or write your own)
“Each week we enter this sacred space carrying with us the many and fragmented pieces of our lives—the places where we are whole, and the places where we are hurting. We pause for a moment now to share some of what we carry. Guests, we would love to know who you are if you would like to introduce yourselves.”
**Note: You may cue the congregation to respond to each sharing or wait until all have shared to respond with the prayer. Not all responses fit all situations and sharings. Use your judgement and listening skills to guide congregational responses with intention. Some possible responses are:**
To a visitor: “Welcome,” “Thank you for coming,” or “Good to have you here.”
When prayer is requested: “Who will join in this prayer?” People: “I will.”
When prayer is requested: “God, in your mercy and goodness...” People: “Hear our prayer.”
When a joy is shared: “Alleluia!” People: “Alleluia!”
When a gratitude is shared: “With gratitude we say…” People: “Thank you, thank you.”
Prayer (unless otherwise specified, the Pastor will give this prayer)
“One way we share in the life of this community is by sharing our resources. We will now collect the offering.”
[Pass out offering baskets]
(In bulletin) As you pass the basket, whether or not you have something to drop in it, we invite you to take a moment and offer a prayer or blessing for this congregation, or pause to consider how you would like to offer yourself in service to God this week. Guests, if you’d like to join our email list please fill out the Connect Card and drop it in the basket. **Note: You do not need to say this out loud**
Prayer of Dedication (select from resources or find/write your own)
[Place baskets on altar]
Benediction (select from resources or find/write your own)
Extinguishing the Peace Lamp
One: “Now the light of Christ is in you.”
All: “Thanks be to God.”
**A note on sending: A benediction is a blessing addressed to the community, and it extends to the congregation the hope and promise of God’s shalom. Extinguishing the peace lamp is a part of this benediction. Consider, as you extinguish and say these words, how your body and voice are sending the congregation out into the world. This is the ending of the service—give it some weight!**
Announcements: **Note new placement of announcements**
“As a community we share in more than just worship. If you have an announcement, please come forward.”
[Check the schedule on the back of the bulletin to see if there is anything you can draw attention to]
“[NAME] will be sitting at the Welcome Table during fellowship time this morning. Guests and newcomers are most welcome to stop by.” [You may invite them to stand so that our guests know who to look for.] **Note: Please do this! It’s very helpful for guests**
Post-Service Reminder:
We have a covenant with First Church that we will be out of the sanctuary space by 10:30 am so that they can set up for their 11 am worship service. If the service runs close to time, or if people are chatting for a long time after service and it is 10:30, please gently remind everyone to go downstairs for fellowship time!
**This is a sample outline. Feel free to move things around and/or to add your own words! Check the Elements of Worship section of the website for texts you can use.**
Red text = set things worship leader says (flexible—if you really want to say something different, you can)
[bracketed text] = actions the worship leader or a volunteer performs
**italics** = special notes for worship leaders
Bold = notes that will be printed in bulletin
Welcome (select from resources or find/write your own)
**New 2020: the pastor or associate pastor will deliver the welcome. If you want to choose one or give input, just let them know**
Call to worship
Prayer for Peace
“Please join me in a prayer for peace” (select from resources or find/write your own)
Lighting the Peace Lamp
“We light our peace lamp each week to remember that we both witness and participate in God’s vision. We long for peace, pray for peace, and choose to live for peace.”
[Light the lamp]
**A note on this change: Traditionally, the worship leader opens this time with the phrase "we light our peace lamp..." then awkwardly stands there while someone lights the candle behind their back. We want to change this slightly, so that we start with the prayer for peace, then say the “we light our peace lamp…” bit, then simply step to the side to clear the view for the lighting. This way, we are all holding the words of the prayer and the liturgy in our bodies as we watch the lamp lighting unobstructed. When the lighting is done, the worship leader either sits down or steps back to the podium for the next piece.**
If you would like to introduce a specific situation for prayer, you may use this formula:
Each week we lift up the many sources of brokenness in our world and the people and places crying out for peace. Today we lift up especially ___________________ . Praying for them and for all in need of peace, please join me in a prayer for peace …
Children’s Time (STS 47)
[Invite the children forward in your own words, help children’s time leader move podium, spread quilt, etc.]
(In bulletin) This is a special time for our children; please keep your reactions quiet so that they can be fully present. **Note: You do not need to say this out loud**
Congregation sings: “Let the children come to me; let the children come.
Never hinder them; never stop them. O let the children come.”
After children’s time: “Children ages 3 and under are invited to go to the nursery. [NAME] and [NAME] are our nursery caregivers today.”
Gospel (or primary preaching text)
**Note: After this last text, the reader says:**
One: “For the word of God in Scripture, for the word of God among us, for the word of God within us...”
All: “Thanks be to God.”
Sharing (use this script or write your own)
“Each week we enter this sacred space carrying with us the many and fragmented pieces of our lives—the places where we are whole, and the places where we are hurting. We pause for a moment now to share some of what we carry. Guests, we would love to know who you are if you would like to introduce yourselves.”
**Note: You may cue the congregation to respond to each sharing or wait until all have shared to respond with the prayer. Not all responses fit all situations and sharings. Use your judgement and listening skills to guide congregational responses with intention. Some possible responses are:**
To a visitor: “Welcome,” “Thank you for coming,” or “Good to have you here.”
When prayer is requested: “Who will join in this prayer?” People: “I will.”
When prayer is requested: “God, in your mercy and goodness...” People: “Hear our prayer.”
When a joy is shared: “Alleluia!” People: “Alleluia!”
When a gratitude is shared: “With gratitude we say…” People: “Thank you, thank you.”
Prayer (unless otherwise specified, the Pastor will give this prayer)
“One way we share in the life of this community is by sharing our resources. We will now collect the offering.”
[Pass out offering baskets]
(In bulletin) As you pass the basket, whether or not you have something to drop in it, we invite you to take a moment and offer a prayer or blessing for this congregation, or pause to consider how you would like to offer yourself in service to God this week. Guests, if you’d like to join our email list please fill out the Connect Card and drop it in the basket. **Note: You do not need to say this out loud**
Prayer of Dedication (select from resources or find/write your own)
[Place baskets on altar]
Benediction (select from resources or find/write your own)
Extinguishing the Peace Lamp
One: “Now the light of Christ is in you.”
All: “Thanks be to God.”
**A note on sending: A benediction is a blessing addressed to the community, and it extends to the congregation the hope and promise of God’s shalom. Extinguishing the peace lamp is a part of this benediction. Consider, as you extinguish and say these words, how your body and voice are sending the congregation out into the world. This is the ending of the service—give it some weight!**
Announcements: **Note new placement of announcements**
“As a community we share in more than just worship. If you have an announcement, please come forward.”
[Check the schedule on the back of the bulletin to see if there is anything you can draw attention to]
“[NAME] will be sitting at the Welcome Table during fellowship time this morning. Guests and newcomers are most welcome to stop by.” [You may invite them to stand so that our guests know who to look for.] **Note: Please do this! It’s very helpful for guests**
Post-Service Reminder:
We have a covenant with First Church that we will be out of the sanctuary space by 10:30 am so that they can set up for their 11 am worship service. If the service runs close to time, or if people are chatting for a long time after service and it is 10:30, please gently remind everyone to go downstairs for fellowship time!